Missed out on the sewers field trip for this. What can i say, i loved the place. Nothing like Manila (but i knew that), i reckon, had more of a new yorky kind of feel to it. nonetheless a magical city indeed. even the red light district (where our hostel was) had a fantasy-esque tinge to it. its not as shitty as others say it is. well of course, compared to Canberra, Sydney's a busy beehive. but i wouldn't mind going back.

the usual suspects

cityscape 1 (george street)

"take a picture of the flying hopper"

McDo with chandeliers

McDo under tower

narnia 1

cityscape 2 (darling harbour)

street jester posing

street jester playing with fire

sydney aquarium (dad would have loved this)
"ge ge nemo zai na li ah?" 
"hindi ako si nemo"



baby's first sea mammal experience

"trained to be cute"

the famous underwater dome thing

maui and sons

"you're a bit too close

the opera house by night

narnia 2

Lowenbrau's Bier Hall


germans kicking it medieval-style

"if you know what's good for you, spray that on my face please"


"life is good"

i miss my tanya

the opera house by day

at the top

cityscape 3 (main street)

Lunk Park (would be scary at night)

a 1930s themed park

in the swirling barrels

the sydney harbour bridge
peace out...
I miss you too... Mwah!
Yay! I'm happy that you had a blast there at Sydney :)
you're photographs are getting better and better each time.
cityscape (george st.) wow!
enjoy your stay there!
warm regards,
tanya: yup seeing all that PDA-ing was tough. but im still thankful for the invention that is the webcam.
scotters: asalamalaykum. im learning but its just that i find myself spending too much time with my camera instead of the moment sometimes. hahah. will investigate on how to exploit shots much quicker. haven't tried the "fine" quality options of the d50 yet. but im sure thats gonna make a big difference in the niceness of the shots....will it? hahah. good to hear from you MATE.
It's been 3 years...I miss Sydney even if i would still rather live in manila. nice pics. darling harbor is lovely as the aussies would put it
clark: thanks for stopping by! yup sydneys a nice place to visit. a nice mix of people and culture. its funny i remembered your story about the harbour bridge when i was there, about u only seeing it during your 3rd year in Sydney? haha. hope all is well in ADMU. you still planning on doing that postgrad?
Actually, I was in Sydney for only a year. Still, it was amazing to most people, given that I live only 15 minutes walking distance away, that I only got to go to Darling Harbour on my 5th month there. Yes I still plan to do my grad studies in 2009 but no longer in Australia. My profs there are moving to other countries. How much further before you finish your degree? All is busy here in Ateneo. Your XS batchmates are graduating by March next year and I shall miss their presence on campus. Well, Allen Huang will still be here though. I saw him recently and found out about his situation.
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