However, as of tuesday, I officially finished first semester.
and what can i say about the first semester?
hmmm, highlights would include often finding myself being rudely awakened by a sharp pain in my back as caused by regularly falling asleep over a pile of (what could only be interesting) books.
over the past three months, i've also grown a close affinity to the simpsons after so religiously observing their evolving family/community behaviours from seasons 1- 15 (1989-2005).
i've also contracted a second-hand-DVD-buying addiction over the past few weeks, scoring myself some pretty neat old sci-fi flicks and a few new concert dvds (the latest being the new Nine Inch Nails DVD, which is perhaps the best concert dvd i've seen yet, though i am still waiting on that limited edition Rammstein DVD).
also in the course of the last 4 weeks, i was able to deliver 3 oral presentations, and finish 5 long pieces of written assessments--with some pretty original ideas to go with them too ;p
looking back, i can really say i threw in 200% worth of effort for the first semester... and it damn better reflect on my final marks...
well as for now, its another two fleeting weeks of break time for me. winters come. and its getting wickedly cold on early mornings and late nights. A big storm ravaged Sydney a few days ago, damaging some $100M worth of houses and property, while killing about 10 people. Funny how natural disasters are far worse in the Philippines...and yet, the indifference is far greater as well.
I'll be starting uni earlier than everybody else though, on July 2 :( because im meant to do this intensive winter-session course on urban ecology. so, yes, its going to be the sewers for me.
I've also been looking into doing exchange next year...i've been told to have a "strong fighting chance" of landing myself in a "top" university....(quoting someone who shall not be named hehe). i guess i'll have to see how that one goes...(with fingers ever so crossed).
For now, here's some pictures i've managed to take over the last month. nothing much really.
1. as beginning in 4000 BC South China, later moving into Taiwan
Above: a Rapanui (Easter Island) glyphed rongorongo board (of which i think resembles the Alibata in some odd way)
...and i'm off to the pub.
those artifacts look very interesting, lawrence! i hope that exchange program pushes through.
keep posting and continue making great strides!
yay! nice pictures! cake looks good ah! i wonder where you bought it.. haha. :)
Scott: thanks! i will. and know that i check on your website once a week! hahah.
God bless.
Tanya: yup the cake tasted wonderful. chocolate caramel mocha. i didn't buy it remember...YOU DID for me! hehe. mwah!
Happy Birthday Lawrence! Happy to know about the happy life you lead there!
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